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Please follow these steps before joining the retreat:



Please sign the terms & conditions fom. You must sign it and send it back to us. You can do this by printing it out and then taking a photo of it if you do not have a scanner. Please then email this to We will send you an email back to let you know we have received it. Please note, it is NOT possible to attend this detox retreat without signing this disclaimer form.


           3-5 days before the retreat we strongly advise you to do the following:


  • Do not eat any red meat if possible. If at all possible stick to a plant based diet

  • 2 days before try to eliminate dairy from your diet.

  • Try to eliminate refined sugar from your diet at least 3 days before.

  • At least 2 days before, stop drinking coffee. Try green tea instead or herbal tea,this will help you not to experience the first two days with caffine withdrawal on the retreat and therefore will make it more pleasurable! :)

  • Obstain completly from alcohol at least 2 days before. The longer the better

  • Keep your diet simple and clean: lots of cooked vegetables, brown rice.

  • Try to elimiate gluten as well if possible for 2 days beforehand.

  • Try to finish your last meal before 7:30pm and eat your first meal at 10:30am if possible. This prepares you for a juice fast as your body is going into fasting mode a few days before. Of course if you can start your first meal at 11:30am or 12 noon this is even better.


If you have any questions or doubts about the above please feel free to call Amari on +351938475278 or message on whatsapp. The above are guidelines only which will help you have a better time on the retreat and allow your body more space to heal. We do not encourage you to eat all you can before the retreat as this will make it harder for your body to detox.




With full love from us.

The Martinheiras Team

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